

My iPod Broke! What the fuck!

In loving memory:

Friends and enemies alike, i return to you bearing news...

I've started to speak like a courtier! And everything i write seems thesis-driven! Which i hate! Also, finals are over! And i am in Hawaii!

On the airplane i think i sat next to Kazu Kibuishi, but i am not sure. I have always wanted to meet him, and i think he lives in San Francisco, where my flight connected. I slept the whole way, and waking up in Hawaii is not a bad way to wake up.

The natives are really nice so far. We've set up a trading post and they'll sell themselves for ANYTHING shiny. I dunno. I wish you were here, you'd get a kick out of it.

So: there will not be a regular update schedule because i am on vacation, but i love doing the comic and i haven't been able to in a while, so i know i'll be posting more than i have been.
They will be digital stories because i have no scanner.

That is all.

This Day in Song: Voxtrot - Soft and Warm

This Day in Links: GodTube!

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